Friday, February 20, 2009

craig david - insomnia

ironically, insomnia is very much different from what im feeling right now. instead im feeling extremely lethargic in all sense of the body. all that resulted to two consecutive overnight stays in camp, one from a steamboat and the other from an exercise.

i think i speak for everyone in my company when i say we feel zombified and i can put my money on it that almost everyone if not all, are asleep with heavy snores in their bed this very moment.

so you know how sometimes you dislike something so much that when you decide to give it a try, you think 'hey it isnt so bad afterall'. well thats how i feel about staying in camp on wednesday and thursday this week. we finally had our much discussed about steamboat and at least to me, it was a success minus the blackout that caused quite a few funny incidents not to mention a very not-sobre me.

the only reason i can think why staying in is a good idea is that as cliche as it always sound, it strengthens the friendship you have with each other. which leads me to something that i spoke about to my sergeant last night when i told him that looking forward to ORD seems almost bittersweet. it feels like you dont want happy times with them to end yet you yearn for that normal life you had without all the restrictions before you enlisted into the army.

doesnt help when youve no exact idea what you plan to do with your life unlike those whove already planned and set their eyes on university. lets just say being an air steward almost sounds too imaginary of a job plus it isnt exactly very easy to be one. before i go off topic, i guess what im trying to remind myself is that i realized im only left with seven months in the army and im going to make the best of my time in it and enjoying it with the people at work who makes it really easy.

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